
CHUNK Magazine # 1 / PREVIEW

Here it is, fresh from the printer !
Chunk is produced entirely by me as an artistic print-magazine project.
Printed in eye popping colours, blood, sweat and massive amounts of
green run into this 32 pages long madness. Goes to the printer again
next week for production. Limited to 100 hand numbered pieces.
Look out for the release and order yours !



it's only about time, like weeks...
32 eyepopping color madness page print magazine / limited to 100 hand signed pieces.

... stay tuned for more !



I heard about this project here a couple of years ago maybe...
thought i would be awesome to be a part of it, for some reason
i totally forgot about it. Then recently i discovered THIS and
i was hooked again. A few days later a post showed up on my
Facebook feed, they were searching for somebody to draw the
last two double pages remaining for the comic and, HERE I AM !
Fast enough to get the double spread and i was a part of it.
Emailed with James a couple of times and finally today i finished
it . So here it is, and stay tuned for the official release !

more stuff to come folks !